Remember when checking your messages meant calling your voicemail? Neither do we. A nostalgic towel to lounge on while you daydream of simpler times and wait for that cutie to slide into your DM's... Designed by Yulia Zinshtein in Los Angeles, California.
Limited edition of 51.
Listen to Yulia's playlist here!
Product Info
Designed and woven in the USA. 100% cotton. 30 x 60 inches. Wash before use for maximum fluff and durability. Machine wash cold and hang dry or tumble dry on low heat without fabric softener or dryer sheets. Avoid zippers and cat claws ~ terry loops can snag! If this happens, cut them — don’t pull (or fret)! As your towel ages the cotton fibers will tighten.
Shipping Policies
All orders are shipped via USPS or UPS in recyclable or compostable packaging with tracking numbers. We are not responsible for lost, stolen, or delayed packages. We cannot refund original or return shipping costs.
Returns & Exchanges
All sales are final and we cannot accept returns at this time. Thank you for your support!